Homeowners` Association (HOA) are formed by property owners in full title or freehold housing establishments such as apartments, houses, parks, roads and common areas.
The key mandate of a Homeowners` Assosiation is to enforce a set of rules, procedures and policies which are agreed upon through a Homeowners` Association constitution or commonly known as a Memorandum of Incorporation. The financial obligations of Homeowners` Associations which include security for the property, waste management, insurance premiums, common rates and taxes, Administrative costs are catered for through the monthly levies paid by the members. Leaders of Homeowners` Associations are called trustees or directors and they are elected during the annual General Meeting attended by members of the association.
An HOA is the best way to become a part of community building and upliftment efforts. Not only do you get a chance to meet community members and hear their complaints and requests but you become a community builder through the solutions provided. All efforts and improvements made towards security, gardens lightning, swimming pool are community upliftment steps. Added to all this you enjoy the perks and privilege of accessing social amenities around your property without much difficulty.