Developed by well-known Durban developer Rob Goulden and partners, the site is ideally situated alongside the New Salt Rock link road to Chaka’s Rock, with RE/MAX Dolphin Realtors being one of the purchasers and with further keen interest on the remaining offices.
Designed to have a Class A office suite with a conference centre and home/office units overlooking the indigenous forest and nature reserve.
This 48 000 m2 site is adjacent to the school and will be a mixed-use development which includes retail, offices, and a limited component of residential apartments.
The site is positioned alongside Richmore Office Park and the Medical Centre and it is designed for mixed use with retail on the ground floor complimenting the Shopping Centre and rentable office space on the first floor.
Phase 3 Commercial: Adjacent to the New Salt Rock Road link road to Chaka’s Rock there will be a 5 hectare mixed-use property.